Visiting the Statue of Liberty’s “Little Sister” at the French Ambassador’s Residence in Washington DC

135 years after the Statue of Liberty landed in New York, her “Little Sister” has arrived in Washington, DC. The 9-foot bronze replica of Lady Liberty weighs 1,000 pounds and was crafted from the original 1878 plaster model by Auguste Bartholdi. Her arrival in DC on Bastille Day (July 14) celebrates freedom and the French-American friendship.

“Little Sister” in front of the French Ambassador’s Residence

The “Little Sister” statue has been installed at the French Ambassador’s Residence in Washington DC after a quick visit to Ellis Island, NY.

The statue will sit in front of the Ambassador’s residence in Kalorama for the next 10 years and is publicly visible from the street. The French Ambassador’s Residence is located at 2221 Kalorama Rd NW.

“Little Sister” Inauguration Event

I had the honor of being invited to the French Ambassador’s Residence for the statue’s unveiling.

“Little Sister” inauguration event

The private event included members of the press, influencers, and of course the Ambassador of France to the United States, M. Philippe Etienne.

Here is a short clip of the original unveiling of the statue.

While the grounds of the Ambassador’s Residence aren’t open to the public, you can see the statue from the street through the fence.

French Ambassador’s Residence from the street

If you visit to take photos, plan to zoom in a bit so that you can capture the statue framed by the Residence in the background.

French Ambassador’s Residence on Google Maps

Photos of the Statue of Liberty’s “Little Sister” in Washington DC

Here are more photos I took of the Statue of Liberty’s miniature “Little Sister.” I tried to photograph the statue from the fence as well so you can get a better understanding of what you’ll see when visiting. In my photos, there is also a press box obscuring the view from the street which shouldn’t typically be there.

In conclusion, exploring the French Ambassador’s Residence in Washington DC to visit the Statue of Liberty’s “Little Sister” is a unique and culturally enriching experience. The historical significance of the statue, combined with its intricate design and connection to French-American relations, makes it a must-see attraction for both locals and tourists alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about this remarkable symbol of freedom and its ties to the United States and France.

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2 comments on “Visiting the Statue of Liberty’s “Little Sister” at the French Ambassador’s Residence in Washington DC”


    The bronze replica weighs 1,000 lbs compared to the original, which was in copper and weighs in at 62,000 pounds. The replica is 9 feet tall compared to the original’s 305 feet. So the replica is about 2% of the weight but only 3% of the height. Impressive efficiency improvements!!!

    1. Agreed. If I were in charge I would demand the French replace the Bronze original with a fresh Copper one