Magnolias at Rawlins Park in Washington D.C. (Photo Guide)

One of the most stunning places to see saucer magnolia flowers in DC is Rawlins Park. In addition to the Smithsonian Gardens, I love stopping by Rawlins Park in Foggy Bottom at the start of spring for photos full of pink magnolias. Best of all Rawlins Park rarely has a crowd since it’s a hidden gem for magnolia trees.

Lining the park are magnolia trees that surround a statue of General John A. Rawlins. It’s easy to get to when wondering DC since it’s just a few blocks from the White House.

You can typically find a parking spot on the surrounding blocks of the park as well if drive there in the middle of the day.

Sadly the fountain in the middle has been empty for quite some time, but overall, it’s a great spot to photograph in Washington DC.

Rawlins Park on Google Maps

History of John Aaron Rawlins

John Aaron Rawlins was a US Army general who served in the Civil War and his statue is the main focal point of Rawlins Park. John Aaron Rawlins has a bronze statue because of he was the closest advisor to Ulysses S. Grant and later served as the Secretary of War after Grant was elected president.

Photos of Rawlins Park in Washington DC

Here are more photos from my visits to Rawlins Park. Some of my favorite angles are capturing the Rawlins statue with magnolias surrounding it, filling the frame with magnolias, and an overview shot of the park with the benches.

Recommended Photography Gear: The park isn’t too large so I recommend bringing a wide angle lens to capture trees surrounding the Rawlins statue. You can also bring a macro to capture magnolia details or a zoom lens to photograph birds landing on the trees.

I hope you enjoyed my photo guide to Rawlins Park in DC. This place is always a fun stop when filling my Instagram feed full of saucer magnolias.

Looking for more magnolias to photograph?
Read: Places to See Magnolia Trees in Washington DC

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